ACCESS is a quick and easy way for people in Wisconsin to get answers to questions about health, nutrition, and child care programs.
Pages are available in Spanish by clicking the Espanol link at the top of each page.
This page is split into two sections. The top section of the page contains these four buttons that you can click to use ACCESS:
- Am I Eligible - This will take you to find out what programs and benefits you might be able to get (no login needed).
- Apply For Benefits - This will take you to apply for child care, FoodShare, health care, or Family Planning Only Services benefits (log in required).
- Login to Account - This will take you to the Web Access Management System (WAMS) that allows you to check benefits, renew benefits, report changes, view letters, and perform other functions.
- Create an Account - This will take you to create an ACCESS account. To apply for programs and benefits or use other features of ACCESS, you must set up a secure ACCESS account.
Once you log into your ACCESS account, you will be able to apply for benefits, check your benefits, report your changes, renew your benefits, ask for a replacement ForwardHealth or SeniorCare card, view your letters, view your Wisconsin Works program status and future appointments, and ask for an explanation of medical benefits.
There are also two buttons on the left side of the page. You can click the Learn More button for information about Wisconsin's health, nutrition, child care, and employment programs and benefits. You can click Learn more about the MyACCESS mobile app! for information about MyACCESS.
The bottom section of the page contains links for community partners, providers, hospitals, and employers to use ACCESS for their needs. There are also links to the Guide to Applying for Wisconsin's Health, Nutrition and Other programs in various languages. The guide provides information on FoodShare, health care, and other programs, what information you will need to provide when applying, and more. If you have questions or need help with your application, please call Member Services at 1-800-362-3002. Alternative formats and translation services are available at no cost.
To avoid errors when using ACCESS, please do not use the Forward, Back or Stop buttons on your browser. Instead, click on the Next, Back, or Save and Exit buttons in ACCESS to move from page to page.
ACCESS will work best with any of the following web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer version 11. You may experience problems if you use other browsers (such as Safari).